With over 25 years of experience in the creative field, I’ve gained a wealth of knowledge about career advice, creative industry insights, and strategies for success. As the industry evolves, I continue to learn and adapt. Here, I share actionable insights to help you thrive as a creative.
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“When Harri Met Sally – A Photography Podcast” was featured on Campaign Brief
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...My books were featured on Campaign Brief
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...I take the net out of network.
I take the net out of network. Creating an effective network depends on casting your net in all directions. Many people you connect with won’t be able to help you...
Why take the back streets, when there is a direct route?
Why take the back streets, when there is a direct route? A network is the cornerstone of a successful career and business. You can kill time building one or you...
Are you the Swiss Army knife of photographers?
Are you the Swiss Army knife of photographers? You know what it feels like when the right assistant is missing. When you’re trying to stretch your two arms to do...
What The Hell Am I Doing?
What The Hell Am I Doing? Right now, you might be swamped by needing to make too many decisions. Or more difficult still – are faced with days seeming like...
When work isn’t working anymore
When work isn’t working anymore. A lot of people are struggling to gain traction on their career paths right now. Perhaps it’s a sign of the times but I’m aware...
Believe In Yourself and Get Some Sleep
I’ve worked with students, graduates, lecturers, and employers in the creative industry for many years. Now I’ve narrowed down the best advice I can give to new graduates, and I...
6 Ways to Crush an Interview
6 Ways to Crush an Interview I have six great tips to owning your next job interview. 1. Do your research Put some effort in before you get there –...
The original is always the best.
The original is always the best. I’ve lived and breathed the creative industry for many years and have developed a deep understanding of how things work. In that time I...
Are you ready for the freelance dance?
Are you ready for the freelance dance? It’s that time again. Things are tight, you’ve had to let some senior people go and now you’re looking for freelancers to fill...
It’s time to climb out of your rut.
It’s time to climb out of your rut. It’s a new year and ‘the same old’ just isn’t going to cut it. You know you want a change and I’ve...
The ups and downs of 2023.
The ups and downs of 2023. It turns out 2023 was the year I was prepared for in post-Covid 2022. The lows were as low as the highs were high...
More people are moving to Planet Freelance.
More people are moving to Planet Freelance. They are drawn to the freedom out there. Right now everyone is seeking a greater work life balance and freelancing can offer that....
Let’s have a fully focused festival of you.
Let’s have a fully focused festival of you. I would love you to achieve your full potential in your work, and as a creative soul. The best place to start...
Why I’ve learned the 3 Golden Rules of Forensics
Why I’ve learned the 3 Golden Rules of Forensics. I’m told I have a forensic knowledge of the creative industry, so I thought I’d dive a little deeper to understand...
To find the right job you need connections. Here’s some we prepared earlier.
To find the right job you need connections. Here’s some we prepared earlier. We all understand the importance of connections, especially when we are looking for work or a change...
This is next level networking
This is next level networking. We all know the importance of networking. It helps build lasting professional relationships, opens doors to new opportunities, and creates important collaborations. The Creative Directory...
Let’s map out your next steps.
Let’s map out your next steps. To fully unlock your potential, it helps to visualise a map of where you are and where you’re heading. Between those two points are...
My eBook has grown into a Book Book
My eBook has grown into a Book Book. I wrote this book to provide inspiration and practical advice for emerging photographers. It started life as an eBook and remains a...
When you can’t say forever, plan for right now.
When you can’t say forever, plan for right now. There is a lot of uncertainty surrounding us and this makes it hard to plan long term. And yet many people...
What it takes to become a Pro
As seen in Photo Review: https://www.photoreview.com.au/tips/what-it-takes-to-become-a-pro/ Author, teacher, connector, and managing director of The Brownbill Effect, Sally Brownbill has been advising and helping people in the creative industry for more...
I take the net out of network.
I take the net out of network. Creating an effective network depends on casting a net in all directions. Many people you connect with won’t be able to help you...
Go inward then upward.
Go inward then upward. The Winter Solstice has always been a significant time in traditional cultures. It marks the beginning of winter when the earth draws in, the crops lie...
Have you stopped feeding your soul?
It’s never too late to be who you want to be. I know ageism exists in our industry but it’s also possible you’re expecting work to fall into your lap,...
Curating a book is a good idea.
It’s why I’ve been doing it for 20 years. People talk to me about producing creative books as if this is something new. I understand the excitement because I’ve curated...
Still on a break?
The Graduates Guide to getting unstuck. Graduates deserve to take a break. Now you’re refreshed but you might also be feeling stuck – unsure about what happens next. Here is...
He said, ‘you know me, you know our clients, you know who works here….’
He said, “you know me, you know our clients, you know who works here….” Like any good matchmaker I have a superb instinct for who will fit together. It’s just...
I’ll blow out the candles but I’ll never lose the fire.
I’ll blow out the candles but I’ll never lose the fire. It’s the 10-year anniversary of The Brownbill Effect and while it sounds like a long time, it’s flown by....
Should you ever work for free as a photographer?
A trained photographer, through The Brownbill Effect, Sally Brownbill connects creative talent from all corners of the industry. She provides career leadership and advice and also consults on the design...
Life is shaking the tree.
And work’s not what it used to be. The abrupt changes to the way we live, and work made many of us stop and think about what we really want....
Take a deep dive into The Creative Directory.
Take a deep dive into The Creative Directory. Like any exploration of life under the ocean you’ll find something that will surprise you. Yes, you’ll find photographers, videographers, designers, and...
Mine my website for gold and hidden gems
Mine my website for gold and hidden gems. Many people visit thebrownbilleffect.com to visit the Creative Directory, the Assistant Register or for information on all my consultations. That’s where you’ll...