I’m one of the lucky ones who loves what I do and that’s what I want for you. 

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Not long after I graduated from RMIT with my photographic degree, I headed to the UK. This was an Australian rite of passage and I was fortunate to land on my feet with a job in British TV production and West End theatre.

It was a terrific experience which I was able to put it to good use when, back in Melbourne, I started The Flash Place. During this time I also began teaching photography to photographic and advertising students at RMIT. My work at The Flash Place showed me that I could help people in the photographic industry find the work they needed and wanted. I extended this skill, and what was fast becoming a passion, to all creatives when I joined Dux Creative Consultancy four years later. Then came Sally Brownbill Consulting.


I have been involved in the creative industry all my working life and there’s nowhere I would rather be. In this time I have connected with many people, from legends to those looking for a leg up. I’ve helped careers begin and blossom and loved being part of that upward trajectory. Over the years I’ve learned to trust my intuition, discovered the power of the straightforward, ‘tell it like it is’ approach and it is one of the things I’m known for.  Thanks to all of the above, I have built an incredible network Australia wide and continue to do so.

The Brownbill Effect

I started the Brownbill Effect in 2013 as the logical next step from Sally Brownbill Consulting. I can say in all honesty that my greatest thrill comes from helping people and this drives everything I do. I also guest lecture and work with students which keeps me up to speed. I’ve developed a deep understanding of the business creatives are in and as a creative person, I understand we often feel we are out there on our own. I make sure that’s not the case for you. As you might discover, no one else does what I do. I’m thankful to those who have supported and believed in me along the way.

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The Brownbill Effect
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