As part of the industry for more than 20 years, I have learned a lot. As the industry continues to change I’m learning even more. This is where I share all that with you.

In Conversation with...

A free creative showcase

My monthly newsletter is filled with inspiring work from the many clever, artistic, and productive people I know. Seeing what others are doing can often provide the creative boost we need to increase our own efforts.

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Let’s get that website sparkling

It might not feel like it’s coming but spring will be here before we know it. The tradition of spring cleaning is a good one. We get the chance to make everything clean and fresh so we can approach our lives with renewed energy.

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Prepare to launch into 22/23

The end of the financial year is an ideal time to draw a line under the ledger and hit refresh. What happened in the year just gone can provide a lot of clues as to what should come next.

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I will find you

And personal attention and follow-ups. In fact, everything you’d expect from someone who has honed a particular set of skills over many years.

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2022. There will be dragons

We’ve learned enough over the last few years to know 2022 won’t be a smooth ride. While planning out the year ahead, we must prepare to be knocked off our perch now and then. We can handle it.

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