As part of the industry for more than 20 years, I have learned a lot. As the industry continues to change I’m learning even more. This is where I share all that with you.

In Conversation with...

A quick search and you’ll find gold

Visit the Creative Directory on the Brownbill Effect and you’ll be impressed by the quality of the creative talent and their work. I don’t accept everyone, they are handpicked and proven and if you have a brief to fill, this is where you’ll find the superior candidates.

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Adjusting to Change

The move to digital was a seismic shift in our industry and very challenging for all of us. It’s probably hard to believe the impact it had now and I wonder if this pandemic will recede into memory just as quickly.

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Let’s look at what works

I’d love the chance to look at your work and finesse it into something powerful. I have worked in the industry for over twenty years and have a deep understanding of how it functions.

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The New Dream Team

Over the years I’ve developed a skill in putting people together in creative teams. Many of these teams are still entrenched in the industry.

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The Value of Networking

When I began showing photographers’ folios, all I had was a phone, a phone book, and lots of tenacity. Martin, my then-boyfriend (now husband of 23 years) first introduced me to his parents as Sally Phonebill …

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We’re not in this alone

I was brought up to believe that a problem shared is a problem halved. Our entire creative world is based around working with others, and this is certainly true in photography. The world of photography …

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3 Steps to a Refresh

Firstly, we’ll put any drab thinking in the bin. Spring is all about rebirth so let’s think about where we are going, not where we’ve been. I can feel a ‘coming alive’ energy in the industry and all around me at the moment …

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Where do you find inspiration?

Sally Brownbill considers the quest to find inspiration, and what you can do to make the search a rewarding one. I was a young photography student before the introduction of computers, and, obviously, social …

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