Why I’ve learned the 3 Golden Rules of Forensics

Why I’ve learned the 3 Golden Rules of Forensics. I’m told I have a forensic knowledge of the creative industry, so I thought I’d dive a little deeper to understand the connection. The 3 important rules of forensic evidence are: It must be admissible. This is the most basic rule and a measure of evidence […]

To find the right job you need connections. Here’s some we prepared earlier.

To find the right job you need connections. Here’s some we prepared earlier. We all understand the importance of connections, especially when we are looking for work or a change of career. Which is why it is essential to connect with Sally Brownbill. Sally is one of the most connected people in the creative industry […]

This is next level networking

This is next level networking. We all know the importance of networking. It helps build lasting professional relationships, opens doors to new opportunities, and creates important collaborations. The Creative Directory and the Assistant Register on the Brownbill Effect takes networking to the next level. For 10 years the Creative Directory has been the go to network […]

Let’s map out your next steps.

Let’s map out your next steps. To fully unlock your potential, it helps to visualise a map of where you are and where you’re heading. Between those two points are all the steps it will take to get there. This is your Career Map and it’s what I will help you create during our Career […]

My eBook has grown into a Book Book

My eBook has grown into a Book Book. I wrote this book to provide inspiration and practical advice for emerging photographers. It started life as an eBook and remains a popular download. I just wish I had an extra dollar for every time someone asked me for a printed copy. So here it is – […]

When you can’t say forever, plan for right now.

When you can’t say forever, plan for right now. There is a lot of uncertainty surrounding us and this makes it hard to plan long term. And yet many people tell me the work keeps coming in. When you’re not ready to commit to more full time employees, it’s time to call on a great […]

What it takes to become a Pro

As seen in Photo Review: https://www.photoreview.com.au/tips/what-it-takes-to-become-a-pro/ Author, teacher, connector, and managing director of The Brownbill Effect, Sally Brownbill has been advising and helping people in the creative industry for more than two decades. In this article Sally explains what it takes to work successfully as a professional photographer. Know who you are It’s important you know […]

I take the net out of network.

I take the net out of network. Creating an effective network depends on casting a net in all directions. Many people you connect with won’t be able to help you get ahead – that’s unavoidable but some will and that’s why we keep doing it. When you join me as a freelancer or on the […]

Go inward then upward.

Go inward then upward. The Winter Solstice has always been a significant time in traditional cultures. It marks the beginning of winter when the earth draws in, the crops lie dormant, and the year gets ready to be reborn. The shortest day – this year it’s June 22nd – is included in the solstice. Perhaps […]

Have you stopped feeding your soul?

It’s never too late to be who you want to be. I know ageism exists in our industry but it’s also possible you’re expecting work to fall into your lap, the way it always did. The truth is you no longer have mates in the business putting jobs your way. They’ve all probably retired or […]