I’ll help you cut through the confusion
Right now, you might be swamped by too many decisions. Or does it seem there’s nothing in front of you? If your direction feels unclear it’s time to have a consultation with me.
Let’s find you a starring role
I’m excited for everyone looking for a job in the creative industry right now. I can’t remember a time when there were so many opportunities for such a range of people.
Here’s how we’ll hook you up
The creative industry is roaring back into action. Many new jobs are crossing my desk and a healthy percentage of them are for freelancers.
New photographers, meet my new eBook
I love helping creative people find their way and this is my contribution to anyone starting out on their career as a photographer. In this industry, the learning never ends.
Is your CV stuck in the past?
Once upon a time a CV outlined previous experience, skills and qualifications. I don’t have to tell you that times have changed.
2022. There will be dragons
We’ve learned enough over the last few years to know 2022 won’t be a smooth ride. While planning out the year ahead, we must prepare to be knocked off our perch now and then. We can handle it.
Welcome to your creative community
As we emerge, blinking into our challenging new world, I think we will value our communities more than ever before. We’ve felt the separation strongly.
It’s time for a fresh start
Does the air smell sweeter where you are? Is the sun shining a little brighter? We are all buzzing with the joy of life returning to something like normal.
Plan your way to a successful job interview
One unexpected effect of the pandemic is the number of jobs it’s created. In our industry at least. And there’s real competition for the best of them.
A quick search and you’ll find gold
Visit the Creative Directory on the Brownbill Effect and you’ll be impressed by the quality of the creative talent and their work. I don’t accept everyone, they are handpicked and proven and if you have a brief to fill, this is where you’ll find the superior candidates.