My new book ‘Leap Into Your Creative Life’ is a powerful mix of inspiring and practical advice for people who long for the work ‘they should be doing’. Over the years I’ve had consults with many people who want to enter the creative industry or change their creative direction but their lack of confidence to take the leap is the only thing holding them back. As well as not knowing how to begin. ‘Leap Into Your Creative Life’ gives you permission to change what you do – even who you are – and live your dream at any stage of your life.
Hear Sally talk about her new book here: https://thebrownbilleffect.com/sally-talks-at-abc-south-west-victoria/
“In her continued support of an industry that’s changing so fast it’s blurry, Sally restates some immutable truths, and spotlights traps for all players—both young and ‘seasoned’. Leap into Your Creative Life is a chatty guide that ranges from practical career basics to life-long creative principles. The out-take is this: A creative career is a marathon, not a sprint, and in these pages you’ll find the mentor who will go the distance with you.”
Maree Coote, Creative Director & Author
“Sally’s book brazenly speaks truth and every page reads like affirmations one should be saying to themselves no matter how experienced within the creative industries. It is the essential guide to help get over any ‘imposter syndromes’ and being in the right state of mind when wanting to think and work like a creative…or live life in general.”
Kat Chien, Graphic Designer
“On reading Sally’s book my overwhelming reaction was ‘what if?’, or ‘if only!’
You can have a creative career, like most of us, making mistakes and learning as you go. This is a good thing.
But to have a roadmap that you can use as a guide, leaping off the well trodden path here and there as your instincts point, is a surer way to happy endings.
Sally’s wisdom and empathy, and thorough understanding of every aspect of our diverse professions, is a must for any early or even mid-career creative, whatever that might be.”
Mick Sowry
“Sally Brownbill’s latest book Leap into your Creative Life opens with a splash of colour both visually and from the essence of Sally herself. Sally’s voice travels through the pages of the book encouraging the reader to take the leap they are longing to and tackle their creative dreams head on. She does this through knowledge and wisdom of a life lived in the creative arts. She shares the building blocks learnt throughout her career, from the importance of networking and collaboration, to encouraging the reader to listen to themselves, their inner voice and have faith that this will lead them to where they want to be. Sally shares her knowledge on how to make a great plan for a unique future and how to build strong foundations for a successful creative business. Yet the magic of this book is that Sally interjects her own experiences throughout it all so you can’t help but feel you are in safe hands and not alone in the desire to follow your passion. This is a book for anyone, in any stage of life, starting out in a creative field, or for those of us that might have been doing it awhile and need a refresher not just on the changing nature of the creative industry itself, but to have the encouragement to follow our dreams.”
Harriet Tarbuck, Educator and Creative Director, The photo Collective
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