I love nothing more than when a client says…
Heading Like any good matchmaker, I have a strong instinct for who will fit together. I believe my success in finding the right person for the right job comes down to the lasting relationships I develop with my clients. It helps that I’m genuinely interested in people and care about them. I don’t operate as […]
Sally Brownbill, a Photo Consultant Extraordinaire
Sally talks with David O’Conner and Tim Levy, delving into her journey as a Photography Consultant. She offers invaluable advice to photographers navigating the stages of their careers. Read the Full Article Here: https://www.capturemag.com.au/news/qanda-sally-brownbill-photo-consultant-extraordinaire Share it around… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
A Chat with Mike O’Conner from Australian Photography
A Chat with Mike O’Conner I was thrilled to chat with Mike O’Connor from Australian Photography about my new book and my career. Read the full article here: https://www.australianphotography.com/profiles/when-i-did-photography-back-in-the-80s-and-90s-we-were-revered-qanda-sally-brownbill Share it around… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn