How to Turn a Flabby Folio into a Knockout

The creative world is stirring and soon you’ll be back out there, showing that you haven’t just survived, you’ve thrived. So it’s important you don’t cart about an out of shape folio. It’s probably been on …

Take Aim at Your Next Big Thing

There are many online marketing options available and it’s smart to take advantage of them. It also makes sense to add another highly focused weapon to your arsenal, and that’s us. Come onboard …

Why Your Website Needs a Makeover

Right now your website is doing all the talking for you so make sure it’s saying the right things. What worked before might not be delivering right now. And while we don’t know what the future holds …

Why Creativity Will Become Even More Important

You’ve now got lots of time to think clearly about your business and what shape it will take when the sky clears. As you line up the cogs and bolts of getting a business back up and running, you might overlook creativity …

Will You Be Ready When Opportunity Knocks?

You have all this time and you have a captive audience so it makes sense to pull out all the stops to impress them. In a 2 hour consultation, Sally Brownbill will help you find the strategies and the direction you need …

You’ve Never Had a More Captive Audience

I am no different to anybody else out there. Early last week I had my own mini-meltdown and put myself to bed for the afternoon when it all became too overwhelming. When I got up, I blasted myself in the shower …

Stay Home and Work With Me

An online consultation will increase possibilities – right now, I can work with you on your career from the self-isolating comfort of your own living room. Thanks to online technology I will be the second set of eyes …

Keep the Lights On and the Work Flowing

How to keep your doors open to opportunity. The way we work is changing by the hour but some things still stay the same. Good times or bad, you need a plan. And we can help you with one that is tailored for right now …

Why are Soft Skills so Important?

Sometimes I lament when I hear about graduates and the career trajectory they think they can launch themselves into immediately. I am absolutely that person that says you should aim high, BUT aim realistically too …