Making Memorable Contact

The Brownbill Effect Sally Brownbill stresses that most people will want to speak to you and make a face-to-face connection. Sally reminds us that in this world of texting and emails, tone of voice is unbelievably important. Hear how being one on one can reveal more about yourself, your personality and all your skills. One […]

Curating Your Portfolio

The Brownbill Effect The best portfolios are the ones that show a complete understanding of what you can do. Sally Brownbill discusses why too much is as unimpressive as too little and what makes a well-presented folio. She advises why you should think like a designer when you create your portfolio and to include all […]

Writing a Resume that Stands Out

The Brownbill Effect Sally tells us what makes a great CV and how to put in everything you’ve done that shows you can deal with people and handle pressure. Sally asks us not to underestimate the value of a CV. She outlines the must-haves but also talks about how important it is to reveal a […]

Putting Yourself Out There

The Brownbill Effect Anxiety is a huge part of modern life and each individual must learn how to manage it. According to Sally Brownbill, the best way to do it is to find ways to feel good about yourself. She offers tips on how to do this including managing a diary to help you stay […]

Presenting Yourself and Navigating Your Career

The Brownbill Effect Sally gives us some essential advice which includes not overthinking things. She says if it feels right, do it. Sally advises to get someone who has no emotional attachment to have a look at your folio and she outlines how to talk about your work in an effective way. Towards the end […]

Collarts: Adam Smith talks with Sally Brownbill

Animation and VFX Student, Adam Smith at Collarts, talks with Sally Brownbill about her ebook ‘How to Develop Your Career as a Photographer’. Adam Smith is also a Digital Artist specialising in 3D modelling and VFX production. Listen to their insightful conversation about the ins and outs of the creative industry and how to be […]

Collarts: Liam Boggust talks with Sally Brownbill

3D Animator and VFX Student at Collarts, Liam Buggust talks with Sally Brownbill about her latest ebook ‘How to Develop Your Career as a Photographer’. Sally had a wonderful conversation with Liam discussing the ins and outs of the creative industry and how to stand out as an emerging creative. Share it around… Facebook Twitter […]

PodX: Swinburne’s GradX Podcast

In this episode of PodX, the discussion around Employability is hosted by Jane Connory. Employability encompasses a wide range of skills including professional skills such as creating designs and using the appropriate software, as well as soft skills such as communication and presentation skills. This episode’s guests are Sally Brownbill, Andrew Budge & Michael Smith. […]

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